A Couple of Reminders for Drivers During Back-to-School Time
It is hard to believe that it is time for kids to be heading back to school. Where the heck did the summer go? Anyway, since kids are heading back to school, I do have a couple of very important reminders for you during this time. Watch out for the school bus!
I know that you know this already but, please, keep an eye out for bus stops when you are driving around in the morning and afternoons. I can not tell you how many times that I have seen cars whiz by the bus as it was stopping to let a kid off. They have those big red STOP signs on the side for a reason.
Also, make sure that you do watch your speed when going through a school zone. I know you are in a rush but do us all a favor and keep the speed under 25. There is going to be a lot of commotion for the first couple of weeks so we all just need to chill out a bit that way we all get to where we are going in one piece.
Again, I know that you know all of this but a little reminder never hurt anyone. I’ll be straight-up honest and say that I needed one. I may or may not have realized it was already August and kids were heading back to school. It seems way too early for that anyway but that is another discussion for another day.