Can Someone Please Explain What’s Happening In This Viral Wisconsin TikTok?
I have no idea where to look in this video because it's so chaotic I'm having sensory overload right now. Someone please explain!
Once you watch this TikTok that went viral from a Wisconsin college campus, you're going to have flashbacks of your college party days guaranteed. After watching this twelve times over, I started having déjà vu. I felt like I was reliving all the college parties I went to with my friends, lemme tell you those were FUN times.
I can only assume the inside of these college houses are full of smoke from all the college students hotboxing the living room with strangers they just met 5 minutes after walking through the door.
The smell is already coming back to me. Alcohol spilled everywhere, sweaty dudes trying to dance all over me, and the drunk girl trying to be my friend. NOPE.
In the video, you can see a very confused campus security guy looking around unamused ...
Wait... it looks like a student is getting arrested behind him. OMG.
Then you spot a girl WALKING another girl on a leash so they don't lose each other...
Like.... WHY? I get it, there are a lot of people in this crowd but c'mon (lol).
And another student slowly 'drives' by on a motorized scooter wearing flip flops.
There was literally no context to anything going on in this video, so go ahead and watch it yourself and tell me this doesn't give you anxiety!!!
What school is this? Is there a party happening? Why is everybody on the porch? Is security supposed to be doing something? Is this girl on the motorized scooter okay? Did the other girl lose her friend on the leash?
So many questions I need answered. Enjoy.