Love nature and looking to pick up some extra cash? Wesselman Nature Preserve is currently seeking a new office manager to work 20 to 30 hours per week.

According to the job posting on the Nature Preserve's website, the new office manager will be responsible for the following tasks:

  • Serve as bookkeeper for the organization, managing all payables,
    receivables, payroll and tax filings through the Quickbooks accounting
    software system
  • Enter membership-related data, and maintain segmented database of
    members, volunteers, and donors
  • Book facility for event rentals (weddings, parties, etc.)
  • Oversee maintenance scheduling/preventive maintenance services for
    physical facility (boiler inspections, fire alarms and extinguishers, HVAC
    unit, etc.), and communicate with external service providers in these areas
  • Oversee the logical and productive flow of overall internal work
    and communication
  • Oversee and manage the schedules of front desk employees and volunteers
  • Serve as initial point of contact at the front desk when not staffed
    by other employees or volunteers
  • Other duties as needed

Applicants are required to be proficient with Quickbooks and Office Suite, organized and detail oriented, customer service driven.

Letters of interest and a resume with three references can be e-mailed to Phone calls and walk-ins will not be accepted.


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