Having a hard time dealing with the heat this week? You should try it if you're a polar bear. On second thought, don't. The Saint Louis Zoo has shared video showing how Kali, their polar bear is dealing with record temps.

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The Saint Louis Zoo just dropped video today showing how Kali is coping. Ever tried eating snow when it's nearly 100 out? Perhaps you should try it sometime.

If you can't see the text with the video they said that "Kali, now nine years old, has many different ways of keeping cool. He has cooling fans, shade, and cold water in his outdoor habitat, in addition to the option of staying indoors on hot days!"

If you're not familiar with Kali's story, he was born in Alaska and moved to the St. Louis Zoo after being orphaned thanks to a hunter legally killing his mother who did not know she had a cub. In May of 2015, Kali made the St. Louis Zoo his forever home and he's been there (eating snow) ever since.

Kali is quite a character and one of the highlights of the St. Louis Zoo. You can keep up with him by following the Saint Louis Zoo on Facebook and through his official page on their website.

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