Having a new baby is an exciting and beautiful time. The parents are beaming with joy and anticipation awaiting the arrival of the blessed addition to their family. Once the baby arrives, it's all hands on deck, even the older siblings.

I had my middle son, Mason, when my daughter was four years old. She was so ready to take on the role of big sister. Even to the point where she was practicing by taking extra good care of her babydoll, Aqua, and making a t-shirt to wear everywhere, she went so that everyone would know she had a very important role in the family.

When Mason arrived and she realized that he needed a lot of attention and he cried A LOT, her excitement toned down quite a bit. But, she was still a very big help when mommy needed her assistance. Over time, she realized that the big sister role is pretty cool and babies eventually stop crying.

Andrea, one of my Facebook friends from Petersburg, IN, posted this adorable video of her daughter and newborn son. Big Sissy decides to help bottle feed her baby brother and it's so adorable.

I think she is going to be an awesome big sister. Her baby brother is one lucky little boy.

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KEEP READING: Here are the most popular baby names in every state

Using March 2019 data from the Social Security Administration, Stacker compiled a list of the most popular names in each of the 50 states and Washington D.C., according to their 2018 SSA rankings. The top five boy names and top five girl names are listed for each state, as well as the number of babies born in 2018 with that name. Historically common names like Michael only made the top five in three states, while the less common name Harper ranks in the top five for 22 states.

Curious what names are trending in your home state? Keep reading to see if your name made the top five -- or to find inspiration for naming your baby.

KEEP READING: What were the most popular baby names from the past 100 years?


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