These 30 Indiana High School Mascots are as Bizarre as they are Real
Typically when you think of a mascot, I'll assume you usually associate it with sports, more specifically those tied to a school of some kind. Most of the time, the chosen mascots are designed to give the team an aura of toughness, think Warriors, Vikings, Trojans, Spartans, etc. In other cases, the school mascot may be used as a mark of nobility like a knight or a king. The popular mascots seem to be associated with animals, particularly the more vicious and dangerous variety like a cougar, a panther, a wildcat, or a wolverine. But every once in a while, you'll come across schools, like these high schools from across the state of Indiana, that decided to step outside the traditional thought process when it comes to picking a mascot and go with something that seems to be completely out of left field.