The Unforgettable Illinois Prisoner Who Escaped And Got Into Even Deeper Doo Doo
You may be wondering what the deal is with the headline above. Well, it's not just another crappy title because it isn't a play on words. This is, indeed, a hilariously gross story.
This story, from 2011, has been slightly updated but there is still a smelly ending.
The story starts with a man with a long criminal résumé being transported from a courthouse to a prison in Illinois. Somehow he managed to jump out of the moving Illinois Department of Corrections vehicle and escaped. The details weren't very descriptive but the man injured his leg in the process.
So he jumps out of the truck, while still handcuffed, and somehow manages to climb onto a delivery truck. How do we know this? According to CBS News, a witness spotted someone "wearing a yellow jumpsuit and handcuffs" climbing off of the delivery truck.
At this point, police were told the man jump the fence of a waste management company.
(You think you smell what's coming but you might be wrong.)
On the waste management property sat hundreds of port-o-Johns, 300 to be exact. Will County Police officers were not about to go door-to-door looking for the escaped convict. Instead, they used a helicopter with infrared technology and called in the dogs, K-9s. It wasn't long before his location was narrowed down to one specific port-o-potty.
Police opened the blue poo booth he was inside off but they didn't see him. That all changed when the toilet bowl was opened and there he was, inside the bowl... filled with poo. Talk about a crappy plan.
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