You’ll Be Repulsed By What One Illinois Man Is Selling OnlineYou’ll Be Repulsed By What One Illinois Man Is Selling OnlineWhich is worse, the item itself or the price?JB LoveJB Love
Indiana Business Owners Contacts Police and Claims Urine TroubleIndiana Business Owners Contacts Police and Claims Urine TroubleAn Evansville, Indiana business owner called police to report someone has been throwing bottles of urine at his business regularly for the last 5 months. Kat MykalsKat Mykals
Bombs Away! What Did An Eagle Drop On An Illinois Woman’s Car?Bombs Away! What Did An Eagle Drop On An Illinois Woman’s Car?A woman driving through Byron, Illinois was left feeling nauseous after seeing what an eagle dropped on her car's windshield.JB LoveJB Love
Illinois Man Admits To Bizarre Obsession With Items For Sale OnlineIllinois Man Admits To Bizarre Obsession With Items For Sale OnlineThis article is going to take a weird turn. It isn't about possibly purchasing these items that are entertaining, it's the photos.JB LoveJB Love