It's hard to do anything but smile and bob your head when the Boom Squad is doing their thing. It's easy to see why this group of young drummers is so beloved.
Learn more about the 'e is for everyone' initiative and get some free grub at Mayor Winnecke's monthly Traveling City Hall this Wednesday, August 22nd.
This month's Traveling City Hall takes place Wednesday evening at the Dream Center Annex on Morgan Avenue. Residents will have an opportunity to share ideas on road projects and learn about 2017 road improvement plans for Evansville.
A public education campaign to raise awareness about the threat to local ash trees posed by the emerald ash borer will continue during a special Traveling City Hall at Eastland Mall on Saturday, June 25.
Mesker Amphitheatre, Roberts Park, a new indoor pool to replace the aging Lloyd Pool and a new penguin exhibit at Mesker Park Zoo & Botanic Garden will be the focus of the May Traveling City Hall Program.