JB Productions' latest creation, "Child of the Crimson Skye" is a thrilling sci-fi adventure set to premier in Newburgh. Follow the journey of young actress Arianna Pettitt as she brings to life the courageous orphan Lydia, navigating a post-apocalyptic world in search of hope.
To celebrate National Grilled Cheese Day, we asked this question. Which Tristate restaurant serves the best grilled cheese sandwich? Here are the top five!
This morning, I woke up and saw that we were in a Tornado Watch. No biggie - right? We live in the new tornado alley. I was peacefully working and then my phone started going bananas. I turned on the Eyewitness News livestream and hear Wayne say, WARRICK COUNTY GET IN YOUR TORNADO SAFE SHELTER...
The raffle proceeds will help fund the Easterseals Early Learning Center. It's Evansville's ONLY fully inclusive early childhood care and education programs.