This iconic Owensboro event is back and better than ever! With more BBQ, more bourbon, more live music, celebrate community the second weekend of May in 2024
I had the amazing opportunity to lead a question-and-answer panel with actor Jeremy London at Evansville Raptor Con, and the conversation turned spicy!
The free rapid Covid-19 antigen tests program made available through the US government will be suspended beginning September 2, 2022. Here's how to get a test.
There has been a lot of inked spilled over what was going to happen to mask mandates in Illinois schools when it was announced last Friday and an Illinois judge decided that the Governor's mandates could no longer be enforced.
Should we all be wearing them? Do they really protect us? Will wearing face masks help stop the spread of the virus? What about my rights? Whose rights are more important, those who choose to wear a mask or those who don't? Can we be FORCED to wear face masks? Is it better to be safe than sorry?