Princeton Author Pens Book to Help Newbie Homeschoolers
Well, if you are new to the homeschool game this year, you are not alone. So many parents have chosen to do virtual or remote learning due to COVID-19. Some families have seen this as an opportunity to begin their own homeschool classes.
Unless you have taught before or have all day to put together a lesson plan for your kids, it can be quite intimidating. I thought having a neat chart with class times and free time for studying and recess would be a breeze. That's not exactly the case. My husband has been handling Chase's virtual learning, and I think they are both learning the 7th grade for the first time.
I've tried to add my 2 cents in about different subjects, and ended up getting the answers wrong. Ironically, it was his reading class, and I do plenty of that in my career, just not up to 7th grade standards.

I've known Jill Chapman since I was a little kid. She used to own a little shop, and my mom loved to stop in there all of the time. I always remembered how long her hair was, and it still is! Now, Jill is a published author, and she has a book full of helpful information for homeschool families. '10 Common Mistakes Newbie Homeschoolers Make and how to avoid them' will help you get off on the right path, if you are new to homeschooling. Or perhaps you need a refresher to figure out what is or isn't working in your home classroom. Jill is a veteran at this, and gives some great tips.
If you are interested in learning how to write, the Princeton Public Library hosts a program with Jill, every month.
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