Prince William Says AC/DC Is the ‘Best Tonic for a Monday Morning’
Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge and second in line of succession to the British Throne, recently proclaimed his love for AC/DC during Apple Fitness+'s Time To Walk series.
The Apple Fitness+'s Time To Walk series is designed to encourage Apple Watch for Fitness+ subscribers to walk more often. Prince Harry specifically talks about the importance of mental health in his episode.
"There's nothing better than, on a Monday morning, when you're a bit bleary-eyed after the weekend and trying to get yourself back into the grind of the week, listening to AC/DC, 'Thunderstruck,'" says the Prince.
"I have to say the first time I put it on, and I've heard it a million times now, I was kind of, like, 'Well, this is quite heavy for a Monday morning,'" William added. "But now, when I listen to it, it's the best tonic for a Monday morning. It absolutely wakes you up, puts your week in the best mood possible, and you feel like you can take on anything and anyone. I'd imagine you're going to walk quite fast listening to it, maybe with a skip in your step, with the headbanging. It's a difficult song not to dance to or to nod along to."
Prince William is not the only head-banger in the family. According to Prince Harry's friend and actor, Dominic West, Prince Harry is a big fan of "hardcore thrash metal." West discovered this when he joined Harry on a Walking With The Wounded expedition to the South Pole.
“Harry has a terrible selection on his iPod. It is the sort of thing soldiers listen to. Hardcore thrash metal.” The iPod in question is apparently filled with Metallica, Slayer, Anthrax and Megadeth.
The Prince's Apple Fitness+'s Time To Walk will air on Dec. 6.
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