Owensboro Woman’s Support For Her Friend With Cancer Is a Lesson of Love For All Of Us
In a world that seems to be falling a part around us with violence and sadness, there comes a story of real love, commitment, hope and kindness. It involves a Cancer patient, her loving friend and a hair stylist.
Leslie asked Amanda if she could share the story of her friend and the day she made the choice to shave her head, this was her response,
Yes you sure can!!! Thank u show much for this!!!! I've made my posts public on my page asking all who will to share it with the caption ❤️ LOVE AWARENESS LET'S SPREAD THE LOVE TOGETHER. ❤️ Because what I realized thru this is that's actually what inspired me to do this with my friend, was my truly unconditional love for her, I had offered her my own hair first and she kindly said no because she said she was going to embrace it and rock the bald! So, I told her we were going to rock the bald together! And sense she decided against wearing a wig, I decided to donate my hair to an organization that will provide the wigs to cancer patients or any other person with medical illness hair loss who would love to have a wig made of real hair. We need more love awareness. My best friend and I have been bonded as sisters sense 1993 and we recognize ourselves to each other and others as Sisters who are also best friends.❤️
.........so excited at the fact that this could inspire and help so many others for the most needed cause our world is so desperately in need of today. ❤️LOVE AWARENESS LET'S SPREAD THE LOVE TOGETHER❤️
And again thank you so much for helping spread the love! ❤️
Leslie came across this post on her Facebook newsfeed. It was on the page her hairstylist, Daphne, who works at Ulta, in Owensboro. Daphne had been contacted by Amanda, who was desperate to have something drastic done to her hair. And, as Daphne does in her thick, Mississippi accent, she told Amanda to come on down and she would help her. This is what happened while Amanda was in Daphne's chair.
Daphne was there for Leslie too, after her mom passed away from Cancer. She feels like her mom brought two of them together.
Leslie asked Daphne about what it meant to her to be able to do this for Amanda,
Sometimes I second guess my career choice but then god sends me y’all!! 😘
Meet Amanda's beautiful and brave best friend/sister, Elizabeth.
This is the beautiful woman and person inside and out. Our bond is so unique I thank God for her. She had a radical hysterectomy done when the doctors first found the cancer. At that point the doctors had thought she was cancer free. Right after Christmas when she went back to see her Dr she was told that the cancer had come back and was life changing as it had spread almost all throughout her body. She is the strongest woman I know, she is only 37 and we're praying and agreeing together for God to do a miracle. She was told that she would only live 6 months without doing chemo. She's never been a quitter and she is determined to fight the good fight while trusting and believing in God for a miracle. She's realistic and honest with herself about her condition but she is believing in God for a miracle and I am as well right along with her. Please share her story because she is my story. She wants to help other cancer patients in knowing that they are not alone. Together we both fight our battles and she wants to share and let other cancer patients know that they are not alone and keep on spreading the love❤️
Thank you so much for sharing your story!!!! God bless the you!
Now, let's all, as Elizabeth and Amanda instructed,
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