Old Courthouse Catacombs & House of Lector Evansville Haunted Houses Open Friday!
There's nothing quite as terrifying as a haunted house. For the past five years, Phil Wolter, the owner/operator of Artwork Unlimited (The Old Courthouse Catacombs and House of Lector) has taken me and the handful of DJs who are brave enough to bare it down to the catacombs to take a sneak peek at the current year's theme. Luckily, Phil is really good about saving the scare and letting us get a preview of the haunted house MINUS the creepy crawlies, ghouls, and goblins. Good thing - I'm a pansy and would bolt! I mean, being in those dark, musty catacombs is MORE than enough for me!
This year's theme is The Upside Down featuring the Night King Walkers. You can get a sneak peek below!
You can purchase tickets online at OldCourthouseCatacombs.com and your combo ticket will get you into the Catacombs and the House of Lecter all night long the night of your visit. Both haunted houses will open this Friday, September 22, 2017! And, to celebrate, here's a coupon for opening night! Just present this puppy on your phone at the ticket booth!
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