How To Write A Letter To Santa And Get One Back!
If your kiddos want to make sure that Santa knows what they want for Christmas, now is the perfect time to write him a letter!I know that in this day in age, it's somewhat uncommon to actually hand-write a letter. With all of the technology at our disposal, it's a lost art.
Santa Claus is a jolly old soul..who doesn't have an e-mail address. However, it does have a mailing address for you to pick up a pen and paper and write him a letter telling him what you want for Christmas!
Letters sent to Santa Claus will be answered by Santa’s Elves if submitted by Thursday, December 20, 2018. So if you would like to write Ole St. Nick a letter, you can send them to:
P.O. BOX 1
For more information on how to send a letter to Santa Claus, check out the short video below.
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