Helpful Tips to Help You Snag a Job at the Career Development Fair
We all know we’re in a tough economy and good jobs are hard to come by, but they are not impossible. For starters, you NEED to have a resume. Employers will not hire you based on your good name. If you've only ever held one job in your entire life, put it on a resume! One great thing about a resume is you can brag your little heart out about everything you do at your job and nobody will judge you. If there is a company you would love to work for, tweak you resume to fit what they’re looking for. Point out that you possess the qualifications they need and have the experience they want. Get a free resume builder HERE.
Remember that first impressions are everything. When showing up to a job interview, or a career fair, you want to look your best. Who knows, you might just get hired on the spot! I’m not advising you to wear a suit and slick your hair back with an entire bottle of gel, but you want to come off professional and respectable. Business casual is your best bet. Can't afford business attire for the event? Check out the Evansville Christian Life Center's business clothing department HERE.
I hate to even have to mention this, but think before you speak. You don’t want to say something to offend your boss before you even start, do you? Avoid speaking negatively about previous work environments and employers; be upfront and honest with any weaknesses you might have and do not come off as overly confident. Don’t question pay or vacation time at first meeting, and never assume you are above any job offered. You need the job more than the job needs you, keep that in mind.
If you’re actively looking for a job, or just want to see what’s out there, come to our Job and Career Development Fair sponsored by Springleaf Financial! The fair is being held on Thursday, June 20 from 2 PM-7 PM at the Armory off of the Lloyd Expressway.
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