Have you Heard of the Indiana Oil Pit Squid?
Indiana tends to fly under the radar mostly. Sure, Indianapolis is a major metropolitan area, and I guess basketball is kind of a big deal there. But other than that, no quarrels with Michigan like Ohio has.
But there is one legend that makes Indiana home to one of the weirdest... maybe creepiest cryptid stories in the country - "The Oil Pit Squid."
As the legend goes, in 1996, crews were working in a "sludge pit" in Anderson, Indiana at a GMC Delphi Interior, Plant 9. While working in one of their chemical pits, crews noticed something moving in the sludge - which was mostly made up of oil, antifreeze, and auto parts.
What they saw (or claimed to have seen at least) were creatures resembling squids, about 8-10 inches long, grayish-red in color... VERY much alive, and swimming around in the "toxic goo."
One worker was interviewed about the creatures, who heard it from one of the other workers who saw them with his own eyes.
"At the Delphi plant, they had a tank the used to store byproducts and chemicals from making bumpers. They found several squid-like creatures in this toxic goo. One apparently had an eye."
One of the workers was smart enough to collect one of the squids in a jar and stored it in the factory. But one day, it suddenly disappeared, and no further research could be done.
In fact, shortly after the discovery went public, the pit was drained, and there were NO further signs that the squids were ever there, though multiple workers claim to have seen them.
"The specimens were taken an no one ever saw them again. No word was ever sent to us at to what it really was, but there were a few of them. They were apparently somewhat transparent and resembled squids - as big as your hand."
So were they actually squids that evolved to live in a toxic environment? Some scientists claim it could have been a form of mutated earthworm, or a massive bacteria growth, a parasite similar to a "Water Bear," or a fish-like creature.
Or, my own theory...
There is some scientific evidence that says squid and octopus aren't "native" species to Earth, and possibly came originally as single-celled forms of life on a meteor that crashed onto Earth, and evolved into what we know them as today.
And if they can evolve from something that crashed from space, who's to say they can't evolve to live in inhospitable, toxic environments, too?
"These chemicals would not be conducive to any kind of life. It's called... the Oil Pit Squid."
I believe.