The monthly Men's Health series continues this evening with Deaconess Hospital and Newstalk 1280. Today's presentation is all about managing your diabetes. If you live with diabetes or are at risk of getting diabetes, you need to attend this free event.

Diabetes is a problem that only seems to be growing, in America and here in Evansville. According to Becca Scott from Deaconess Hospital, "on any given day in our hospitals, about one-third of our patients have diabetes." She goes on to say medical professionals fear that "here in about 50 years we might have about 1 in 4 people with diabetes." That's frightening!

Today's free presentation is for men who have diabetes, particularly type II, who want to know more about how to manage their illness and prevent complications. The lecture will be lead by Cindy Head, a certified diabetes instructor. It's completely free and guests are welcome!

Doors open at 5pm...registration and free food from SUBWAY will happen at that time. You can also register to win a pair of Indianapolis Colts tickets! Call 812-450-7000 to pre-register, or visit for more information. You are certainly welcome to just come on by this evening though. The educational presentation will begin at 6pm.

These monthly lectures take place in Johnson Hall, located inside the Health Sciences building on the Deaconess main campus.

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