Evansville Farm and Church Provide FREE Produce for Community
Over the next three months, the folks from Seton Harvest will give away a bunch of their delicious produce to families in need. They are teaming up with All Saints Parish for these Community Produce Giveaways. The first event is this Sunday, July 14th from 3pm-4:30pm. Giveaways are also scheduled for Sunday, August 11th and Sunday, September 8th.
Seton Harvest's Veggie Van
The giveaways will be held at the St. Anthony Catholic Church Campus located at 704 N. First Avenue in Evansville (across from Hacienda). In addition to the fresh veggies from Seton Harvest, folks can enjoy some music and a cold drink, and share recipes with neighbors
Everyone's invited, but keep in mind that it'll be first come, first served until all the grub is gone.