Eight Things to Remember When You are at the Job Fair this Thursday
-by Philip Pepper
Looking for a fresh start in 2018? Then don’t miss this opportunity to begin the year with a new job! Join Townsquare Media for the 6th annual community job fair brought to you by GMS Mine Repair and Maintenance. Join us on January 25th from 1pm-6pm at the Holiday Inn Airport in Evansville located on HWY 41.
Here are some things to remember when you come to the Job Fair!
Dress to Impress:
With over 50 companies, in various markets, the job fair is a wonderful way to promote yourself, and find a job in any field! No matter what job you are looking for, it is never a bad thing to “over dress.” The employers that will be on-site will be speaking with a lot of people, so stand out. Make sure you look your best. Make them remember that you are the person that showed up in a suit and tie, rather than the one in sweatpants and t-shirt.
Bring Your Resume:
It is important to be prepared for the job fair. Employers are looking for someone who is prepared and ready for the day. Handing copies of your resume to companies that you speak with is important because it shows your work experience and other skills.
Use a Firm Handshake:
When you finally build up the courage to talk to a person at a booth, make sure you remember to give a firm handshake, with a smile behind it. This simply means do not go up to a possible employer and shake their hand like they are a china doll. They are not a brittle old woman. Shake their hand with the idea that you will get the job solely based off the grade of the handshake. Also, remember to look happy and interested throughout the interviewing process. This is a possible job we are talking about! Put your happy face on and show them your full, undivided attention. Even if you realize mid-interview that this is not the job for you, finish the interview, say thank you, shake their hand, and politely leave.
Remember Your Body Language:
One thing many people in today’s society forget to maintain throughout an interview is body language. This can be a make or break reason you get hired or not. When you are speaking with someone, make sure you are maintaining STRONG body language. This means shoulders back, head up, and stand tall. Put your “power stance” on and stand their with full confidence in yourself. Even if you are not a great interviewer, employers like someone who has confidence in them self and what they are saying.
Keep Your Cool:
Getting nervous is a normal function for everyone, especially when interviewing. But fear not. Keep the strong body language we just talked about, and show them that you are serious about getting this job. No matter the occupation desired, keeping your cool and knowing what to say on the spot in important. Fidgeting your fingers, or kicking your feet around shows them you are nervous. If you are nervous, take a deep breath, and continue on.
Maintain Eye Contact:
Along with staying still and not fidgeting around, maintaining eye contact is another great thing to do while interviewing. While speaking or listening to them speak, be sure to always give them your undivided attention. Wondering eyes during an interview is an easy way to show them you are not interested, and not get the job.
Confidence is Key:
As said before, simply being confident in yourself does wonders. Even outside of interviewing for a potential job. Being confident in yourself and believing you will succeed will get you far. You could be the worst interviewer in the world, but following these tips, being confident in what you say, and being genuine, will be amazing traits that possible employers will see.
Thank Them Later:
This is something that many people forget to do after an interview, and goes a long way. Even if you do not get the job, this is still a nice thing to do. It shows good character traits and could even lead you to another job in the future. An email (yes, an email, not a text message) saying “Thank you for the interview,” or “I appreciate you taking the time to talk with me the other day,” are simple, yet very effective ways to make yourself stand out during the selection process.
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