Coast to Coast AM This Week: Astrology, Spiritual Warfare, Sleep Disorders and Wicca
Join George Noory for Coast to Coast AM every night at midnight on Newstalk 1280 or listen online here.
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
LIVE with George Noory
Guest: Peter Mathews 12m-2a
For the past 30 years Peter Mathews has been a college and university professor and has seen first hand the changes in the student body over the decades. He will discuss how the first generation of college students raised with the Internet is different from previous generations and how they are coping with soaring tuition costs and much lower starting salaries from the few available jobs and how this is one of the many ways the elites are destroying not only the economy, but the environment as well.
Guest: Vernon Mahabal 2a-4a
Founder and director of the Palmistry Institute in Los Angeles, Vernon Mahabal, combines astrology with palmistry to make predictions about trends for the United States based on repeated patters he sees in the thousands of palms he reads. He will discuss how he sees trends like a huge rise in entrepreneurial pursuits and small business as well as a heightened awareness of our connection with Earth and spirituality and an optimistic outlook for the United States.
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
LIVE with George Noory
Guest: Robert Bennett 12m-2a
Dedicated to studying how various cultures view Christianity and various forms of spirituality, Dr. Robert Bennett will discuss his work with demon possession and spiritual warfare including the latest on his work with exorcism, paranormal phenomenon, slenderman, and zombies.
Guest: Denise Alvarado 2a-4a
Born and raised in the Voodoo rich culture of New Orleans, author and spiritual advisor Denise Alvarado will discuss mysticism and the practice of Creole Voodoo and indigenous healing traditions.
Thursday, July 31, 2014
LIVE with George Noory
Guest: TBA 12m-2a
Guest: Robert S. Rosenberg 2a-4a
With over 20 years of experience in the field of sleep medicine, Dr. Robert S. Rosenberg, DO, will discuss the science of sleep, how technology, binge TV watching, and chemicals like energy drinks are changing how our brains function. He will get into many of the bizarre disorders people experience while they are sleeping which result in not only sleep walking but eating, driving and even having sex all while sound asleep.
Friday, August 1, 2014
LIVE with George Noory
Saturday, August 2, 2014
LIVE with George Noory
Guest: Lady Shadowe
High priestess in the Divinity Coven of New York City, Lady Shadowe practices Metaphysical Wicca. She will discuss the various spells which use elements of nature to manifest dreams, goals and empowerment.
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