Coast to Coast AM Schedule This Week – Extraterrestrials, Global Cooling, Haunted Locations and More
Join George Noory for Coast to Coast AM every night at midnight on Newstalk 1280 or listen online here.
Monday, December 1
LIVE with George Knapp
Guest: Robert Hastings
Guest: Tom Delonge
Tom Delonge, member of Blink 182, joins George Knapp to discuss his recent trip to Area 51 and the relaunching of his paranormal website and how he is using his celebrity status to bring awareness to oddities and mysterious stories from around the world.
Tuesday, December 2
LIVE with George Noory
Guest: Steven Dick
Former NASA Chief Historian and Director of the NASA History Office, Steven J. Dick was also the NASA/Library of Congress Chair in Astrobiology at the Library of Congress. He will discuss his fascination with space exploration and extraterrestrial life as well as the wide and varied implications disclosure would have to our current conventional wisdom on just about everything.
Wednesday, December 3
LIVE with George Noory
Guest: Katherine Albrecht
Katherine Albrecht is a consumer privacy expert and VP of Start Page dot com, the world’s most private search engine. Katherine is widely recognized as one of the world's leading experts on consumer privacy, she will discuss the latest technologies being used to track not only products but humans.
Thursday, December 4
LIVE with George Noory
Guest: John L. Casey
John L. Casey has been a national space policy advisor to the White House and Congress, a space shuttle engineer, and consultant to N.A.S.A. He is currently the President of the Space and Science Research Corporation (S.S.R.C.) a leading, independent, research organization in Orlando, Florida. Mr. Casey will discuss his discovery of a solar cycle that is now reversing from its global warming phase to that of dangerous global cooling for the next thirty years or more. He says we can begin planning for decades of cold weather including its predicted concurrent ill-effects of record earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
Friday, December 5
LIVE with George Noory
Guest: Steven LaChance
St. Louis' own paranormal pioneer, Steven LaChance will discuss the most haunted locations in St. Louis including the Union Screaming house, a haunted house which the Roman Catholic Church describes as having all three stages of a demonic haunting - infestation, oppression and posession. He will also discuss the history of the Lemp Mansion, the Fabulous Fox Theater and Zombie Road - which was featured in the movie ‘’Children of the Grave.’’
Saturday, December 6
LIVE with George Noory
Guest: Open Lines
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