Coast to Coast AM Schedule – Extraterrestrials, Planet X and More
Join George Noory for Coast to Coast AM every night at midnight on Newstalk 1280 or listen online here.
Sunday, January 15
LIVE with Jimmy Church
Guest: Damon T. Berry
The Black Knight Satellite is an enigma of such wonder that even in our technological age it defies all explanation....until now. Writer, filmmaker and researcher, Damon T. Berry will take you into the nether regions of the cosmos and into the days of a now extinct life form...man, revealing The Black Knight Satellite to be an integral part of man’s development and also his destruction. Although NASA claims it to be space debris, Berry will provide evidence that they couldn't be further from the truth with ancient hieroglyphs and stone structures around the world which give testimony of this satellite.
Monday, January 16
LIVE with George Knapp
Guest: Paul Blake Smith
A pre-Roswell crash claims that three extraterrestrials crash-landed their circular spaceship on a farm just outside of Cape Girardeau, Missouri, in mid-April of 1941. Researcher and author, Paul Blake Smith, will discuss a possible massive cover-up perpetrated by the United States Government with shreds of evidence from long concealed documents that the truth of possible extraterrestrial beings visiting Earth and how an unexplained airplane crash that killed one of America's brightest movie star was part of the conspiracy.
Guest: Scott Creighton
Despite millennia of fame, the origins of the Great Pyramid of Giza are shrouded in mystery. Believed to be the tomb of an Egyptian king, even though no remains have ever been found, its construction date of roughly 2550 BCE is tied to only one piece of evidence: the crudely painted marks within the pyramid’s hidden chambers that refer to the 4th Dynasty king Khufu. Egyptian pyramid researcher, Scott Creighton, will discuss how and why the marks were faked - showing how they radically depart from the established canon of quarry marks from this period, striking down one of the most fundamental assertions of orthodox Egyptologists and reopens long-standing questions about the Great Pyramid’s true age, who really built it, and why.
Tuesday, January 17
LIVE with George Noory
Guest: George Haas
Guest: Bill Saunders
Founding investigator of the Mars Research Group, The Cydonia Institute, George Haas, and geoscientist Bill Saunders will discuss their analysis of geoglyphic formations on Mars and how they have direct correlations to the Master Builders - The Freemasons.
Guest: John DeSouza 12a-2a
Former national security investigator for the U.S. Government, John DeSouza is a researcher and experiencer of paranormal and spiritual phenomenon. He will discuss various examples of divine and paranormal intervention in law enforcement situations as well as extraordinary stories from civilians.
Wednesday, January 18
LIVE with George Noory
Guest: Mat Stein
Author and mechanical engineer, Mathew Stein is an expert in preparedness and what individuals can do to prepare for worst case scenarios on all fronts including the economy, global climate change, and unexpected disruptions in central services. He will discuss the ongoing debacle of Fukushima - background radiation rising and food chain contamination with no end in sight. He is concerned about how the hostile environment for journalists will discourage publication of inconvenient and expensive public safety concerns.
Guest: Alexander Weinstein
Multiple award-winning author of visionary speculative fiction, Alexander Weinstein is the director of the Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing and is an associate professor of creative writing at Sienna Heights University. He will discuss wild ideas for future human interfaces with technology including social media implants, memory manufacturers, immersive virtual reality games, and alarmingly intuitive robots, which some believe will lead to utopian models for society while others are concerned about our growing dependence on new technology.
Thursday, January 19
LIVE with George Noory
Guest: Ben Fuchs
A graduate of the University Of Colorado School Of Pharmacy, Benjamin Fuchs is a registered pharmacist, nutritionist and cosmetic chemist who has been compounding custom medication, formulating nutritional and skin care products and consulting with doctors and patients for decades. Mr. Fuchs will be discussing the how to decipher the good vs. the bad when considering changes to diet and supplementation.
Guest: TBA
Friday, January 20
LIVE with George Noory
Guest: Glynis McCants
Numerologist Glynis McCants is an expert in how patterns of events unfold exactly according to the energy signature of specific numbers. She will discuss how last year was a completion cycle of 9 which ended the lives of many celebrities. What will 2017 bring? She will explain what the cycle of 1 is about and how it will set the stage for world events, world leaders and especially the lives of each of the listeners.
Guest: David Meade
A student of astronomy, and economics, author David Meade worked in forensic investigations for major corporations. He enjoys relating science and the Bible and believes Planet X is a perfect marriage of the two. He will discuss the evidence he has found for the return of Planet X in 2017 and what the elites are doing to prepare for the subsequent chaos.
Saturday, January 21
LIVE with George Noory
Guest: Marc Zicree
Writer, Producer, and Director Marc Zicree will discuss the strange world of the entertainment industry, and the sometimes heroic effort it takes to break in to entertainment. Mark will also discuss his current projects and update us on the latest in the world of The Twilight Zone.
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