Coast to Coast AM Schedule – Atlantis, Pearl Harbor, Extraterrestrials and More
Join George Noory for Coast to Coast AM every night at midnight on Newstalk 1280 or listen online here.
Sunday, December 4
LIVE with Richard Syrett
Guest: James Cottrell
Every so often, an individual appears who can demonstrate the ability to access the dimension known as ‘’the Akashic Field.’’ Dr. Douglas James Cottrell is one such individual. He will discuss how The Akashic Field - also called the Book of Life - is like a celestial library of all the thoughts and actions of humankind, since the dawn of time; a source of inventions, inspiration, and intuitive insight, our minds are connected to one another, despite our perception that we are all separate beings.
Guest: Peter Janney
Who really murdered Mary Pinchot Meyer in the fall of 1964? Author and expert in the case, Peter Janney, will discuss why there a mad rush by CIA counterintelligence to locate and confiscate her diary due to Mary finally putting together the intricate pieces of a bewildering, conspiratorial mosaic of information that revealed a plan to assassinate her lover, President Kennedy.
Monday, December 5
LIVE with George Noory
Guest: John Truman Wolfe
Former chairman of the department of History at John F. Kennedy University and former Senior Banking Officer of two California Banks, John Truman Wolf is the editor/publisher of The Hard Truth magazine. He will discuss the state of the U.S. and world economies and his analysis of what could be looming in 2017.
Guest: Andrew Collins
Andrew Collins has been investigating the idea of advanced civilizations in prehistory since 1979. He is the co-discoverer of a massive cave complex beneath the Giza plateau, now known as ‘’Collins’ Caves.’’ He will discuss the evidence which supports his theory of how the lost continent of Atlantis was in the Caribbean area and was destroyed by a comet. He will compare Plato’s account with ancient legends from the indigenous people of North and South America, such as the Maya, the Quiché, and the Yuchi of Oklahoma.
Tuesday, December 6
LIVE with George Noory
Guest: Douglas Axe
Engineer turned biologist, Douglas Axe, holds a PhD degree from CalTech and held postdoctoral and research scientist positions at the University of Cambridge, the Cambridge Medical Research Council Centre, and the Babraham Institute in Cambridge. He will discuss the questions that much of the scientific community would rather silence on the origins of life and how evidence points to design over evolution.
Guest: Elizabeth Greenwood
Elizabeth Greenwood teaches creative nonfiction at Columbia University. She will discuss the world of the living dead — not zombies, but real folk who decide the best way to go on with life is to fake death. With six figures of student loan debt, Elizabeth Greenwood was tempted to hit the reset button of life, by faking her own death. She will discuss the various ways people have tried to disappear without a trace.
Wednesday, December 7
LIVE with George Noory
Guest: Craig Nelson
Author and researcher Craig Nelson will discuss his comprehensive and dramatic retelling of the attack on Pearl Harbor from both the American and Japanese perspectives including oral histories with then-child survivors, pilots, sailors, soldiers, admirals, and veterans along with newly available behind-the-scenes accounts from Tokyo. He will share insights from thousands of original journal and diary entries by FDR, U.S. Secretary of War Henry Stimson, Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau, Jr, Premier of Japan Prince Konoye, etc. that explain the failed pre-attack plans to adjust relations between Japan and the U.S.
Guest: Open Lines
Thursday, December 8
LIVE with George Noory
Guest: Mark Thompson
As a presenter on BBC Stargazing Live, Mark Thompson has helped inspire 4 million viewers to get out and enjoy the night sky. Mark has also been a key contributor to the BBC's The Sky at Night and his articles can regularly be found in Astronomy Now and Discovery News. He will discuss his research on deep space, the study of stars exploding at the end of their lives, and distant galaxies believed to host supermassive black holes, as well as his latest work on what it would be like to actually travel through space.
Guest: Will Hart
Author, freelance journalist and photographer Will Hart has been searching for how life originated on earth and what our human heritage and identity truly is by linking the amazing discoveries of space research and modern UFO phenomenon to the anomalies of ancient artifacts and literature. He will discuss the theory first developed by Nobel Prize winning microbiologist Sir Francis Crick, that the earth was seeded by an extraterrestrial race, and will extend that theory to include the fact that there is DNA, historical, archaeological and cultural evidence to support that hypothesis.
Friday, December 9
LIVE with George Noory
Guest: TBA
Guest: Mike Bara
Author and Lecturer Mike Bara will discuss NASA’s alleged secret space program, as well as anti-gravity propulsion programs, secret flying saucer crafts developed by the military, and early anti-gravity breakthroughs.
Saturday, December 10
LIVE with Dave Schrader
Guest: Open Lines
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