Terrifying Trend in Illinois Could Lead To Your Vehicle Being Stolen
There's a new trend happening in Illinois and around the country, forcing yet another precaution as we go about our daily lives.
One of the most important possession you own is likely your vehicle.
In Illinois, it is actually against the law to leave your vehicle unattended while it is running while the key is in the ignition.
Now, while some vehicles have a remote start and a keyless fob, it still isn't a good idea to leave your vehicle unattended. Just this week a Toyota Prius was stolen from a gas station in front of Cherry Vale Mall. The owner was inside the gas station with the key fob while the car was running and, voila, it was stolen. (The car has since been recovered by Rockford Police.)
Another Tactic to Steal Your Vehicle
There is another method thieves are using as a tool for stealing vehicles that you need to be aware of. This tactic could happen at a moment's notice.
When was the last time you gave your tires a quick overview before getting into your car before exiting a parking lot? Not just a quick peek at tire pressure but an actual up-down look at the tire and wheel well?
See that bottle between the tire and the frame of the car? If it were wedged in there a few inches more you might not even notice it if you're not really looking.
Why is this relevant?
I scrolled up a YouTube video warning drivers to be on the lookout for objects that may be wedged between your vehicle's tire and frame. If you attempt to drive away with an object lodged there you might be quick to stop, put your vehicle in park, and jump out of the car to inspect the potential problem. This is when you're at risk.
Even though it may seem like a short amount of time it could be just enough for someone to attempt to hop into your vehicle and drive off while you inspect the "problem."