Evansville Featured on Jeopardy
Evansville Featured on Jeopardy
Evansville Featured on Jeopardy
It's always cool when your town is mentioned on national TV - and one of the coolest things is when it's a Jeopardy answer. Last week, Evansville, Louisville, and Jeffersonville was the "answer." Can you guess what they all have in common?
UPDATE: More Storms Possible in IN, KY, and IL Today
UPDATE: More Storms Possible in IN, KY, and IL Today
UPDATE: More Storms Possible in IN, KY, and IL Today
This morning, I woke up and saw that we were in a Tornado Watch. No biggie - right? We live in the new tornado alley. I was peacefully working and then my phone started going bananas. I turned on the Eyewitness News livestream and hear Wayne say, WARRICK COUNTY GET IN YOUR TORNADO SAFE SHELTER...

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