If I gave you 3 guesses about which brand millions of Americans just chose as their favorite fast food place, do you think you could get it right? I predict many will be surprised at the new #1 most popular fast food brand in America which got its start in Illinois and still has 248 locations in the Land of Lincoln.
The fact is that every single city in America has a crime problem at some level. That one place in town that most try to avoid when they can. In Illinois, there are 10 places that have a bigger problem than most with violent crimes earning them a place on the 10 most dangerous places list.
If I had car skills like this Joliet, Illinois guy, I'd be dangerous. Fortunately for my wife, I don't. But, you really should check out his wild custom green Camaro ride that he created. It's ridiculous in the best possible way.
I didn't realize there is a beauty contest for courthouses. I was wrong. Apparently there is and the internet believes the ugliest building resides in the downtown of Joliet, Illinois.