Pediatricians Change Guidelines for Car Seats
Small children in car seats are usually rear-facing until they reach a certain age. The American Academy of Pediatrics is changing the guidelines based on a child's height and weight, not their age.
The AAP now says babies should remain rear-facing until they reach the maximum height and weight allowed by the car seat manufacturer.
Previously, the recommendation was babies stay rear-facing until at least age 2. The new guidelines reflect new research on child car safety. Data is reviewed every three years and the AAP pointed to a 2016 case out of Texas in which a car seat manufacturer was found responsible for a 20-month-old child's life-altering injuries sustained while front-facing.
The manufacturer did not properly warn customers of the risks.
Bottom line, the AAP has always emphasized rear-facing is safer for as long as the child can remain in the position.
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