The 90s Nickelodeon game show "Legends of the Hidden Temple", is making a comeback and this time it's for adults.

Back in the day, I would watch Nickelodeon all of the time. My favorite shows to watch were their game shows for kids. By far, my favorite game show on Nickelodeon was "Legends of the Hidden Temple". The giant talking head, Olmec, and his "legends" were so fascinating to learn about. Contestants would take what they learned through these legends to compete in games of knowledge and skill for the chance to find the lost artifact of the day in Olmec's Temple. Oh, and everyone had their favorite team! Mine was the Green Monkeys.

I always thought it would be so cool to be a contestant on that show. The only problem was that I was too afraid of the temple guards at the time to even try. I think every 90s kid had a fear of the temple guards popping up out of nowhere. Unfortunately, the show was canceled in 1995, but Nickelodeon would air reruns all throughout the 90s. Earlier this year, it was announced that the CW would be rebooting "Legends of the Hidden Temple", but this time it wouldn't be a game for kids, adults would be the contestants. If you ask me, that's awesome! Adults who grew up watching the show now have the chance to be on it? When you think about it, having adults compete on the show just makes sense because they would appreciate the significance of the show way more than kids who had no idea what the show was in the first place. 

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Well, the reboot of "Legend of the Hidden Temple" airs on October 10th (this Sunday), and I couldn't be more excited. Especially after seeing the trailer. No longer will the show be filmed from inside a studio, no. The reboot is held outside with an actual temple! You'll see familiar challenges such as the steps of knowledge and more from the original show, just bigger and better. Plus, the original voice of Olmec has returned to the show too. Check it out:

I can't wait to watch this show on Sunday, and I know that I am not the only one who grew up watching the show who is looking forward to it either! You can see more about the show with the inside look below:

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