Kentucky Humane Society Rescue Ethan Has New Job with Busch Beer
How about some terrific news to end the week? Earlier this year, Ethan was dumped outside the Kentucky Human Society in Louisville with just hours to live. Ethan was saved, he recovered, and he was adopted. His story became the talk of social media for all animal lovers. Now, the pooch has scored a unique job.
Ethan has been hired by Busch Beer to become the "Chief Tasting Officer" for their new Dog Brew beer. It's really a pork bone broth and is safe for dogs. Ethan was chosen by Busch after seeing and hearing his incredible story. The brand held a nationwide search for their "Chief Tasting Officer"

Ethan was so weak when he came to the Kentucky Humane Society, he could not lift his head. After about a week, he was walking, he was adopted by the KHS facility director and he continued to gain weight and recover.
Here is what Ethan's adoptive family had to say about his new gig:
EthanAlmighty family!!!! Look at what just happened!! I’m so very excited to share this with everyone!! This is so amazing! We are very humbled and honored to have Ethan chosen by Busch!! Take a moment, please, and think about how far our Ethan has come in such a short time. In less than 4 months, he has come from being someone’s burden, someone’s afterthought, and not only survived, but thrived and is now being recognized on a national level. I’m so grateful to Busch! And so very thankful to every single one of you! There are a lot of ways they could have gone. But they chose Ethan!! There is just something about this boy! I can’t explain it but it’s there. When you click this link, please please share it! Like it and comment! You all were overwhelming supportive during the contest, now please thank them and be heard once again letting Busch know how thankful you are and expressing to them what a great choice they’ve made!!
Ethan's job comes with a $20,000 salary, pet health care coverage for free, and of course, free Dog Brew.