2024 Total Solar Eclipse Festival Guide: Explore Events Across Indiana
If the idea of seeing the total solar eclipse has you giddy with excitement, you're not alone! Communities all across Indiana are preparing for the total eclipse taking place on April 8, 2024, and we have a guide to the festivities!
What Exactly Is A Total Solar Eclipse Anyway?
A solar eclipse takes place when the moon passes between the Earth and the sun. According to NASA, a total solar eclipse occurs when the light from the sun is completely obstructed by the moon.
When the Sun's light is blocked by the Moon, it is an eclipse of the Sun. It is also called a solar eclipse. This kind of eclipse happens when the Moon moves in just the right place between the Sun and Earth.<br />A solar eclipse happens during the daytime. The daylight grows dim. If you are in the right place on Earth, the Moon blocks almost all of the sunlight. The Moon's shadow falls on Earth. Daytime can look as dark as night during a solar eclipse.

Viewing a Total Solar Eclipse
While it should go without saying, you should never stare directly at the sun with the naked eye. Viewing a solar eclipse requires special solar glasses, filters, or viewers to protect your eyes.
When Is the Total Solar Eclipse Happening?
For a brief period of time, a large part of Indiana will be cast in darkness as the moon blots out the sun. The eclipse will begin on April 8, 2024, around 10:42 am Central Standard Time, continuing until approximately 3:52 pm Central Standard Time, and is expected to reach the point of totality at approximately 1:17 pm Central Standard Time.
Where To View the Total Solar Eclipse
The countdown is on and now is the time to make your plans for this breathtaking celestial event. Below you will find a list of some of the festivals and events happening across Indiana as part of the total solar eclipse. While many of these events are free and open to the public, some of them do charge an admission fee and may require the pre-purchase of a ticket. You can find out more about each of the events below.
If there is an event you think should be added to our guide, please send an email to kat@103gbfrocks.com and include the subject line "Eclipse Festival Guide."
2024 Total Solar Eclipse Festival Guide: Explore Events Across Indiana
Gallery Credit: Kat Mykals