Be On The Look Out For Two Thieves Claiming To Be Home Improvement Experts In Evansville
An Evansville woman was robbed yesterday by two men claiming to be home improvement experts.This is yet another scary reminder that you probably shouldn't let anyone come into your house uninvited, no matter how professional they might appear. According to Evansville Watch, a woman was robbed after two men entered a home under the pretense of home improvement.
Unfortunately, there was no description of these two males other than the fact that they were there in regards to home improvement and that they driving a truck with Oklahoma plates. It is unknown if these men are still here in the Tri-State, but if they have struck once, chances are they will attempt to strike again.
Be vigilant. If you have two men knocking on your door claiming to be home improvement experts, and their truck happens to have Oklahoma plates, please contact the EPD with a full description of these men and plate numbers if you can.