Tri State Better Business Bureau

“Can You Hear Me?” Scam—Hang Up Immediately!
Your BBB® wants to warn everyone that the “Can you hear me scam?” is now spreading from Florida to Pennsylvania and Virginia and possibly the rest of the country.
Here’s how the scammers operate: you will get a call from an unknown number (a familiar area code)...

Western Union Agrees to the Largest Financial Forfeiture by a Money Service Business
As a result of extensive, well-coordinated investigations and lawsuits, your BBB® has learned that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Justice Department, FBI, IRS, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), several U.S. Attorneys, the U...

That Might Be the IRS Calling You, After All!
Your BBB® wants to share important information regarding those calls from unlisted numbers. According to USA TODAY, The IRS is planning to use the services of private debt collectors starting this spring. They will go after overdue federal tax debts...

Consumers to Get Full Refund for Indoor Tanning System Purchase
The FTC recently announced that consumers who purchased a Mercola Indoor Tanning System will get a full refund. Your BBB brings you details of the case.
The FTC filed a complaint against Dr. Joseph Mercola and his two Illinois-based companies in April of 2016...

Another IRS Scam Alert!
It seems that a day doesn’t go by that we learn of a new twist on the IRS collections scam. Your BBB® recently received information from the IRS that people who are deaf or hard of hearing are being contacted by IRS scammers.
Here’s the twist that’s being used...

W-2 Phishing Scam Is On The Rise!
Your BBB® would like to share information regarding a scam that’s been on the rise during tax season. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) warns that the scam in question is targeting school districts, nonprofits, and other organizations. The W-2 phishing scam has previously targeted for profits only...

Nationwide Telephone Imposter Phishing Scam Reported by Social Security Administration
Your BBB® just received a fraud advisory from the Acting Inspector General of the Social Security Administration (SSA), Gale Stallworth Stone. The SSA has received reports from across the country about individuals claiming to be Social Security Office of the Inspector General (OIG) investigators...

Is Your Pacemaker Secure?
Your BBB® just received an article from Wired magazine that has the scary headline, “Medical Devices Are the Next Security Nightmare,” and we would like to pass along the information to our readers. The short answer is yes, pacemakers, defibrillators, insulin pumps, and other electronic medical devices are vulnerable to hacking...

Warning: Damage from Fireworks May Not Be Covered By Your Insurance!
Your BBB® has learned that the Indiana Department of Insurance has issued a warning regarding the use of fireworks during the upcoming Independence Day celebrations. Area residents are reminded that accidental fires and damages may not be covered by insurance...

Money Saving Tips from America’s Cheapest Family
More than 1000 non-profit, government and corporate groups are encouraging individuals and families to save money and build personal wealth during America Saves Week (February 27th—March 4th). Your BBB® is among these organizations.
If you are thinking about saving money, but have no idea where to start, BBB recently spoke with Steve and Annette Economides, NY Times bestselling authors, TV persona