An Open Letter to Snow Day Haters
I just love social media - don't you? Everyone has an opinion and everyone gets to voice that opinion. Yay. I noticed a lot of people this morning hating on school administrators for calling a snow day. Let's consider the possible alternative, shall we?
As the person in charge of bringing you the latest updates in traffic, I'd say that these school administrators made a pretty good choice. Why? Let's just check out what the Indiana State Police has to say...
Now, I've never met Sgt. Todd Ringle but I've spoken to him on the phone. He doesn't seem like the kind of guy who just throws out caution to be dramatic. And, semi drivers are no joke - most of them are bada$$es when it comes to driving in any condition. Most of them don't just overturn their truck when it's sunny and 75. Consider driving something as big as a semi with a bigger turn radius, trying to concentrate with loud mouth kids bouncing around, and maneuvering skinny roads. Hmmm... Sounds kind of unsafe when there's ice on the road.
And, while I was headed into work at 10 a.m., a brand new Acura almost rear ended my truck. There was ice on the road and they couldn't stop so they swerved and came up alongside of me on the shoulder of the road. Now, let's stop to think what might happen if there was a kiddo out waiting for the bus.
As a parent, I'm A-OK with administrators canceling school when they feel it's necessary. Even when it's a light dusting and you can see your grass. Even when Chicago would be holding school. Even when it's an inconvenience and 'stupid people in the South don't know how to drive.'
I'd much rather deal with finding a babysitter than deal with what could be a horrible situation. Wouldn't you agree?
Oh, and if you are in a pinch - the YMCA has snow day care. There - problem solved.