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Some of my fondest family memories are of our all day Thanksgiving celebrations. They would always start out with an early morning arrival at my one of my grandma's houses or aunt's houses. Everyone would pitch in with the cooking. That, in itself, was almost like a fun game. There would be all kinds of laughter and stories shared. Dinner was always delicious and what followed was an evening filled with board games and charades.

This morning my bonus daughter said that she doers't even count Thanksgiving as a holiday anymore because every where you look it's already decorated for Christmas. She also mentioned that you don't get anything like the other holidays...birthdays, Halloween, Christmas. But, we won't talk about that.

Anyway, I thought I would make it my personal mission to get you excited about the next holiday the we recognize, that seems to have been forgotten my most retail stores, but not me, Thanksgiving. So, here are ten things you get get to help you get in the turkey spirit too.

What could be better than a reminder overtime you wish your hands.

Add some fun to the sometimes painful family picture time. Get your pic props ready.

Having Thanksgiving at your house? You wanna look good too. How will anybody else appreciate the day, if you don't? Lead the way.

If you are going to a party, get this to say thank you.

Like my family, you ned some holiday charades.

Here is another game that whole family can play, form the youngest to the oldest.

Decorate your house, that always puts me on the thankful spirit.

Drink with these beer...I mean drink, cookies all month long.

If you didn't carve your Halloween pumpkin, you can decorate it for Halloween.

Help everyone remember that Thanksgiving IS the next holiday. :-)

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