The Townsquare Media ‘Elf on the Shelf’ is Causing Major Mischief
So, apparently, one of Santa's elves (who we have nicknamed Bob Barker) has been assigned to the Townsquare Media offices. Santa needs to keep an eye on us to make sure we are behaving ourselves, apparently! The little elf that he assigned is a pretty naughty one though.
Last week, Bobby B had to come to terms with who he was. Since he was on-air for a few minutes, he thought he was the "World Champion of Elfing." After his fall back to reality, our little elf was feeling extra mischievous. He decided to pull some pranks around the office - maybe to claim his territory?
He sent prank emails!
He set up a fan to blow around paperwork!
He enticed others into immoral games!
He pulled the fire alarm!
He took a bath in our candy bowl!
He snuck in our offices, used our personal belongings and took credit for our accomplishments!
He tried to get away with it all by going incognito!
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