I think people, in general, are hesitant to try new things in the kitchen because they lack confidence. I actually feel pretty confident in the kitchen, but I also don't want to take a chance on a new recipe, and then end up ruining it and wasting my time and money. I've learned a decent amount about food by watching cooking shows and videos, but I would really like is to get some personal training from a professional chef. Turns out, I can get that when I purchase a ticket to Cooking for a Cause, the next fundraiser for Jacob's Village.

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This week, during our Be MY Guest segment, Liberty and I spoke with Laura Hart, the Development Director for Jacobs's Village. Listen to our interview to learn more about Jacob's Village - who they serve and what they do.

Be MY Guest with Jacob's Village


Tickets for this unique fundraiser are $100 each - that will get you all of the ingredients you need to make two dinners, and more importantly, live step-by-step instructions from a professional chef.

At Jacob's Village, their mission is to "develop a safe, walkable neighborhood community where people with disabilities and older adults can find meaningful relationships, housing that is affordable and accessible, and activities that encourage active minds and bodies."

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