It's been two years since former Vice President Mike Pence was in Evansville, Indiana. Air Force Two landed at Tri-State Aero, Inc. on August 17, 2020, and then visited the Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial. Certain areas were secured for a filming event.

Right to Life Banquet 2022

The annual Right to Life Banquet will be held Thursday, August 25, 2022, at The Old National Events Plaza. Individual tickets are $65. A table for ten is $650. The event is from 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM Central time. Limited tickets are available by calling (812) 474-3195.

About the Keynote Speaker  Abby Johnson, CEO, and Founder of And Then There Were None

Abby worked for Planned Parenthood for eight years, working her way up through the ranks to become the clinic director of a clinic in Bryan, Texas. She was Planned Parenthood’s Employee of the Year in 2008, but she walked away from her job after witnessing the abortion of a 13-week-old fetus during an ultrasound-guided abortion. She left Planned Parenthood and instantly became a national news headline for her defection.

And Then There Were None is the only ministry in the nation that helps abortion workers leave their jobs and find new careers outside of the abortion industry. Her bestselling book, Unplanned, was made into a feature film that debuted in theaters nationwide in March 2019 under the same name.

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The 48th Vice President of the United States, Mike Pence will be speaking at Thursday night's event. Mr. Pence has spent a lifetime advocating for the preborn and standing for legislation that protects life.

Old National Events Plaza
715 Locust Street
Evansville, IN 47708

LOOK: Milestones in women's history from the year you were born

Women have left marks on everything from entertainment and music to space exploration, athletics, and technology. Each passing year and new milestone makes it clear both how recent this history-making is in relation to the rest of the country, as well as how far we still need to go. The resulting timeline shows that women are constantly making history worthy of best-selling biographies and classroom textbooks; someone just needs to write about them.

Scroll through to find out when women in the U.S. and around the world won rights, the names of women who shattered the glass ceiling, and which country's women banded together to end a civil war.

10 Indiana Laws You Don't Know You're Breaking