Aerial Photos Capture the Beauty and Power of Southern Indiana Storms
Here in Southern Indiana, we were recently reminded of how scary, dangerous, and unpredictable mother nature can be. We were also reminded that those same destructive forces can also provide some beautiful images. Thanks to technology, drone pilots now have access to storms and severe weather that we've never had before, allowing for some amazing photographs to be taken.

My buddy Mike Fetscher lives on Evansville's westside, and he never misses an opportunity to launch his drone and get in a quick photoshoot - whether it's a beautiful sunrise, a community event, or severe weather. Fetch (that's what everybody calls him) had his drone high above Evansville during the crazy weather we had this week, and he captured some stunning pictures that gave us a front-row seat to the storms.
Aerial Photos of Evansville Storm
The clouds were probably the most interesting aspect of the storms we had this week - the different layers, colors, and movements.
I don't care how many times I see it - lightning pictures will always be cool to me.
It's just amazing how things "seem" to be fine on either side of this cloud formation.
And another lightning picture because it's freakin' cool!
See the Entire Storm in Less Than a Minute
Fetch also had his timelapse camera set up on the University of Southern Indiana campus. The video below gives us a perspective we never get in real-time. The movement of the clouds is absolutely fascinating. Moving from the west one time, and then from the east the next - and at one point, clouds are moving in both directions. Crazy!