As you probably know by now, this spring marks a very rare occurrence in nature.


We always see cicadas this time of year, but its usually just one brood, the word for a group or family of the little crawly critters. This year, there will be two emerging at the same time across the Midwest and Southeastern United States. Now, one of them will mainly be in Northern Illinois, but there is a small portion of the middle of Illinois that will see an overlap of both.


Double Cicada Broods Emerging in 2024

According to Cicada Safari, "The 17-year Brood XIII will emerge in Northern Illinois, while the 13-year Brood XIX will emerge in parts of Southeastern United States. It is not common to have a dual emergence between Broods XIII and XIX. They occur once every 221 years and the last time these two broods emerged together was in 1803. Thomas Jefferson was President of the United States, and Lewis and Clark started their exploration of the Louisiana Purchase."


Cicada Sightings Begin

I have already seen friends posting pictures on social media of cicada burrows and insects that have joined the party above ground. If you haven't seen any yet, there is an app and an interactive map you can follow.  It's interactive because you can submit when and where you spot cicadas as Cicada-geddon begins any day now.



Cicada Safari App Fun

Cicada Safari is the name of the free app available for download via the Apple app store and Google Play.  You can track the map there or find lots of other fun ways to learn more about cicadas. Like activities for kids of all ages including origami cicada instructions, coloring sheets, history about other periodical cicada emergences, and more.

Have you seen any cicadas yet? I haven't, but I know they are on their way!

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LOOK: 20 of the biggest insects in the world

Stacker compiled a list of 20 of the biggest insects in the world using a variety of news, scientific, and other sources.

Gallery Credit: Andrea Vale