Owensboro KY Park Lakes to Be Stocked With Hundreds of Catfish
If you've got a line and you've got a pole, skip the crawdad hole and put three of Owensboro's parks on your calendar app. It's that time of year again when we get our best catfish recipes out of the drawer and get ready for some good eating.
Wait, am I getting ahead of myself? I might be, so I'll slow down. Anglers of all ages are waiting to get their hooks (quite literally) into hundreds of catfish that will be loaded into the lakes at Yellow Creek Park, Waymond Morris Park, and Panther Creek Park.
The stocking of these park lakes with catfish is part of the Fishing in Neighborhoods (FINS) program and provides everyone an opportunity to snag some fresh catfish and then work their magic on the grill or in the oven...unless you just want to hang it on your wall, of course.
Catfish stocking happens all across Kentucky throughout the spring months. And on April 12th, Daviess County will load 800 catfish into Panther Creek Park Lake; 600 catfish into Yellow Creek Park Lake; and a whopping 1,000 catfish into Waymond Morris Park Lake.
Dane Balsman, an urban fisheries biologist with the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Services, explains the purpose of the FINS program:
If you're ready to hit the lakes, make sure you have an up-to-date fishing license. The current fishing license year began on March 1st, 2023, and will expire on February 29th, 2024.
The FINS program stocks the 44 participating Kentucky lakes throughout the spring. Look for these three Daviess County lakes to be stocked with the same number of catfish in May and June, as well.
[SOURCE: WEVV-Evansville]