New Owensboro Program Will Provide Food for West Side Residents
I'm sure, as you've driven around Owensboro, you've seen the signage that informs us what neighborhoods we're entering. I, for one, am very appreciative. I've always fallen back on nicknames like "The Poets" or "The Tribes."
Well, a collection of those neighborhood alliances have joined forces and have also teamed up with the City of Owensboro, New Life Church, Owensboro Health, and Tri-State Food Bank to provide a wonderful service for folks on Owensboro's west side. The Audubon Area, Dugan Best, and Northwest Neighborhood Alliances have spearheaded the all-new West End Food Alliance.
This new program offers pre-packed food boxes, fresh produce and other items (when available), specifically to the residents on the west side of Owensboro.
According to owensboro.org, Bryant Bell--the chairperson of the Audubon Area Neighborhood Alliance--raised concerns about the lack of food options for residents of the city's west side.
Last Thursday, the Alliance's second Mobile Food Distribution and the Pop-Up Produce Giveaway doled out 110 food boxes to folks in need.
The Owensboro Neighborhood Alliance has long been a conduit between city neighborhoods and city government and is constantly working for and toward the betterment of the city. The weekly neighborhood cleanups are a good example. This weekend's big event will focus on the Northwest Neighborhood Alliance.
As the Alliance indicates, no one knows the needs and problems the city's neighborhoods are facing like the citizens themselves, and they are always looking for volunteers.
It's free to join, so head to the Owensboro Neighborhood Alliance's Facebook page and get started.