Is that Bigfoot? Probably Not, But is it a Bear?
Have you ever seen Bigfoot? No, not the monster truck, but the actual human being-animal hybrid, which is the best I can do to describe it. Well, it might be considered a monster or, my favorite, a creature. Here's the bad news, whatever you saw is probably just a run-of-the-mill mammal, a bear.
A study has analyzed the correlation between sasquatch sightings and North American black bear sightings, and more often than not, your eyes have fooled you. I can't count the number of tales, yarns, and reality shows that have tried to prove Bigfoot is a real living, breathing dude or dude-ette. And that's something that always drives me crazy, why is Bigfoot automatically considered a male? I need a study for that.

So I was going to post the trailer for the new movie Sasquatch Sunset, which I almost went to see this weekend, however, it's NSFW, very NSFW, so sorry. Harry and the Hendersons is still the much safer option for the family to watch. Yikes!
Data scientist Floe Foxon found that for every 1,000 bears in an area, there is a 4 percent increase in Bigfoot sightings. Alaska is obviously a state where there is a bigger black bear population. Meanwhile, in Kentucky and throughout the south, bears have been more numerous for at least the past ten years, and I'm not counting Tennessee where it's not out of the ordinary to see a bear crashing downtown Gatlinburg or the occasional Smoky Mountain cabin.
Just a reminder, whether it is a bear or maybe Bigfoot, be safe out there in the woods, and the Smoky Mountains.
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Gallery Credit: Mary-Katherine Maddox