What is the Best Road Trip Pitstop and Why is it Buc-ees?
I asked my friends for their favorite pitstops along the way to Panama City Beach, and the overwhelming response was to find a Buc-ee’s. I've heard it's a place you either love or you hate. For me, it was a magical wonderland.
First of all, my bladder was about to burst because I had been holding it to make it through Nashville. As the doors opened, instead of angels singing, it was the adorable papaw at the register singing “Welcome to Buc-ee’s!” I smiled and booked it to the cleanest gas station restroom I have ever experienced. Plus, there was some really cool artwork in there!

As I came back out, I noticed the iconic beavers of all sizes as far as the eye could see. Talk about an expert lesson in branding!! Plushies, bathing suits, pool floats, tumblers, hats, shirts, PJs, and so much more.
The food selection was honestly overwhelming! Tons of sweets, snacks, and my new best friend slicing the meat for the brisket taco I inhaled before we even left the store. When they plop a big ole hunk of meat on the table to slice, they announce it to the whole store! "Freeeeeeesh Brisket on the board!"
We were there longer than we intended because we were having too much fun looking at all the gifts and souvenirs. My goodness, you could literally take care of all of your Christmas shopping there! They had just about all of your favorite boutique gift shop brands including Mudpie, Capri Blue Volcano candles and some hilarious decorative signs.
I even found some Easter Pageant 2000s! Do any of you remember having to wear these in your church’s nativity or resurrection plays?
We had way too much fun even if it set us back an hour. Worth it! What do you think of Buc-ee’s? Do you have Beaver Fever?