As the owner of a "wee snog" (as I like to call him) who also lives in the middle of the woods, I try to be vigilant when he goes outside. He loves chasing things. At only 15 pounds, he isn't terribly intimidating, but deer and turkey always run away when he goes tearing out the door, barking at them.

I mostly worry about coyotes and bobcats - birds of prey aren't on the Things for Me To Worry About Bingo card. We have plenty of giant birds that circle our neighborhood but at 15 pounds, he's just a little too big for them to carry off, right? Well, let's take a look...

How Much Can Birds of Prey Carry?

According to, "Most hawks can lift prey weighing up to one-third of their body weight. A red-tailed hawk that weighs around three pounds can carry a one-pound rabbit with relative ease."

Now, a bald eagle CAN carry up to about 15 pounds, according to But they tend to hunt for prey they are familiar with like fish and rabbits. Little black and tan dogs aren't usually on their menu. But if you have a dog that resembles a rabbit, it could be more at risk.

If you are concerned about your pet, don't forget to be extra vigilant at night. A Great Horned Owl (or hoot owl) can pick up an 8-9 pound animal.

So, he's not likely to be carried off. Now, does this mean it's impossible for him to be carried off by a large bird of prey? Nope. And more than likely, if your dog is attacked and snatched up, he or she could be dropped and killed in the impact of the fall.

A Small Dog in KY Was Snatched Up by a Bird of Prey

Christian County Animal Shelter posted these very GRAPHIC images to Facebook with a scary warning.

Please stay close to your little dogs when they are outside. There are flying predators that will carry them off for food. This little guy got lucky, and is going to be ok after an emergency vet visit.
Christian County Animal Shelter
Christian County Animal Shelter
Christian County Animal Shelter
Christian County Animal Shelter
Christian County Animal Shelter
Christian County Animal Shelter

Poor buddy! I hope he's on his way to recovery.

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So, what can you do to protect your pet?

There are predator protection coats that you can purchase. Coyote Vest makes wild looking spiked coats that detour predators. They also offer accessories for the coat including "hawk eyes" that scare away birds of prey.

Coyote Vest
Coyote Vest

Well, remember how I said that I live in the woods with bobcats and coyotes? Sometimes they do come through our yard. I've found the cat up a tree or on top of my car with scratches down both sides more than once. With a price tag of over $100 for just the base coat, I decided to make my own.

ashley s
ashley s

It cost me less than $30 and seems to be effective. Or at least they think he's so funny-looking, they leave him alone. Here are the step-by-step directions on how to DIY a predator protection coat, as well as items I used. 

READ MORE: KY's Black Bear Population is Booming

LOOK: Here are the states where you are most likely to hit an animal

Hitting an animal while driving is a frightening experience, and this list ranks all 50 states in order of the likelihood of such incidents happening, in addition to providing tips on how to avoid them.

Gallery Credit: Dom DiFurio & Jacob Osborn