Illinoisans Agree This Is The Best Part About Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a day of thanks, stuffing your face, and sleeping off that food coma. What's the best part about this Holiday, though?
Every year, my mom says, "I'm not hosting Thanksgiving at my house anymore. You kids can start your own traditions with your significant others now that you're all moved out."

Then when Thanksgiving rolls around... we're all back at my parents' house eating deviled eggs, stuffing, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes and gravy, and the most delicious cherry-glazed ham to exist on this Earth.
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We don't dress up to eat. The entire family wears sweats, stretchy pants, and the loosest clothing we can find so we can eat 'til we sleep. Then, we can wake up again and continue eating like we didn't just have a full feast a few hours prior.
I believe the best part about Thanksgiving is opening the fridge the day after and seeing all the food still waiting for you to consume.
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Illinoisans Agree This Is The Best Part About Thanksgiving
LEFTOVERS. That's right. Leftovers taste even better when all you have to do is throw it all on a plate and toss it in the microwave for two minutes.
It's not even about the quality or flavor at that point, it's about the convenience of not having to do the bare minimum to fill your belly with scrumptiousness.
Change my mind. Oh wait, YOU CAN'T. Happy eating... the next day!
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