There is an invasive worm species popping up in Kentucky that can grow to more than a foot long, and is coated in a neurotoxin.

Invasive Hammerhead Worms

The scientific name of the invasive species is Bipalium kewense, but it is more commonly known as a hammerhead worm or a shovelhead worm. There are at least 15 species of Hammerhead worms and they are terrible for the ecosystem, poisonous to animals, and virtually indestructible.

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Hammerhead Worms Found in 30 States Including Kentucky

Hammerhead worms were first introduced in America in the early 1900s, and have been found in as many as 30 states, including Kentucky. The ground-dwelling creatures are terrible for our ecosystem as they feed off of earthworms. They have a flattened appearance and a half-circle-shaped head that looks like a shovel. Recently, WBKO News reported that hammerhead worms have been found for the very first time in Allen County, Kentucky.

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Bipalium kewense is believed to be native to Southeast Asia, but currently is found worldwide. It has been reported on all seven continents aside from Antarctica. It was probably introduced by international plant trade, as it is frequently found associated with plant pots. -
attachment-Kentucky Hammerhead Worms

Hammerhead Worms Secrete a Neurotoxin

Hammerhead worms secrete a dangerous neurotoxin, known as tetrodotoxin, to protect themselves from predators. This is the same neurotoxin found in puffer fish. If ingested by a household pet, it could cause nausea and vomiting. It is not recommended that humans pick them up or touch them with their bare hands either as the neurotoxin can cause skin irritation. UK Extension Entomologist Dr. Johnathan Larson explains more about these creatures in the video below.

Hammerhead Worms Can Regenerate

Ridding your property or garden of hammerhead worms can be quite a challenge. They can reproduce through what is called "asexual fragmentation." This means they will shed pieces of their body that will then regenerate and grow a new head. So if you were to cut one hammerhead worm in half, in a few weeks you would have two hammerhead worms.

How to Destroy Hammerhead Worms

The best way to rid yourself of hammerhead worms is to "dissolve" them, according to experts. Much like you would sprinkle salt on a slug, the same technique applies to a hammerhead worm. Vinegar is also said to work well for eradicating them but again, be sure they are kept whole so they are not able to regenerate.

[Source: National Geographic;]

25 Personalized License Plates Rejected by the Indiana BMV

Every year the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles sifts through applications for personalized license plates, and every year hundreds are rejected below are 25 of the more than 1,000 rejected license plates that the BMV received between January and December of 2023. You'll also find a link to the full list of rejected personalized license plates below.

Gallery Credit: Kat Mykals