You may want to think twice before hiking off alone into the woods of Kentucky. One "expert" warns that it's Bigfoot breeding season and it could be dangerous.

Most Elusive Cryptid of Our Time

Bigfoot is perhaps both the most well-known, and most elusive of the cryptids rumored to inhabit North America. There have been reported sightings and encounters of the mammoth beast, also known as Sasquatch, that have been documented all across the internet.


Where Did Bigfoot Begin?

Where exactly did the legend of Bigfoot begin? According to, it all started with a journalist in 1958, and a Sunday paper headline.

What exactly are the origins of the Bigfoot, or "Sasquatch," legend? In 1958, journalist Andrew Genzoli of the Humboldt Times highlighted a fun, if dubious, letter from a reader about loggers in northern California who’d discovered mysteriously large footprints. “Maybe we have a relative of the Abominable Snowman of the Himalayas,” Genzoli jokingly wrote in his September 21 column alongside the letter. -
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It was in a follow-up article in the same newspaper that it was reported that the loggers had begun referring to the mysterious creature responsible for the tracks as "Big Foot."

The Lore Continues

Was the tale shared by the California loggers truly the beginning or was this only the first known public report? We may never know for sure but one thing is certain, the lore of these creatures has endured for decades.

Bigfoot in Kentucky

Bigfoot is such a big deal, that there are even entire organizations dedicated to hunting and tracking the creature, like the Kentucky Bigfoot Research Organization. In the video above shared by the Kentucky Bigfoot Research Organization, a US Marine Corp. veteran shares details of his encounter in Daviess County, Kentucky, just outside of the city of Owensboro.

The Kentucky Bigfoot Research Organization (KBRO) is a non-kill research group which seeks to prove the existence of, and protect of, these magnificent creatures. Our purpose is to document all credible Bigfoot sightings in Kentucky. Our mission is to obtain a database as to monitor population density and behavioral patterns for all reported Kentucky Bigfoot encounters.

The Kentucky Bigfoot Research Organization aren't the only experts monitoring and tracking these monstrous mammals.

Meet Sasquatch Theory

In the Ozarks of Missouri, there is an organization known as Sasquatch Theory. The founder started the project after an encounter during the summer of 2019 when he claims a group of sasquatches paid a visit to his property. From there, it has expanded into a growing YouTube channel that has garnered more than 65,000 subscribers.

Bigfoot Breeding Season

It's here that we learned of Bigfoot mating habits. In the video above, the host, and Bigfoot expert, claims that fall is breeding season, saying "I've heard people say that the Sasquatch get more active in the fall... that's their breeding season." He then goes on to explain that they can get territorial.

I've heard people say that the sasquatch get more active in the Fall...I don't know if that's true or not...that's their breeding season. They get pretty territorial and potentially dangerous toward the winter months.

If you are planning to head out on a hike into the woods of Kentucky, you won't want to go alone. You just might encounter a territorial Bigfoot. Sasquatch Theory has shared several videos detailing encounters, including the video below from a man who shared his experience with a creature spotted in Kentucky's Daniel Boone National Forest.

Whether Bigfoot is real or not, be sure you have a safety plan in place before you head off into the woods alone.


Famous People Who Believe In Bigfoot

There are some famous people who believe in Bigfoot. Some of them even claim to have seen sasquatch in person.

Gallery Credit: Ken Hayes