For the eleventh year in a row, Indianapolis International Airport has been named "Best Airport in North America."

Best Customer Experience Worldwide

Being named the Best at anything you do is always wonderful, but being named the best eleven years in a row is next level. Indianapolis International Airport has picked up the designation of "Best Airport in North America" - a title that is based on customer votes and worldwide experiences.

What Makes the Best Airport?

After visiting, travelers give survey feedback and each airport is ranked utilizing that feedback from 30 different key points - like how easy is it to find where you need to go, ease of check-in, cleanliness, and additional amenities like shopping or dining.

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Indianapolis Airport Like a "City Within a City"

There is a lot that goes into the day-to-day operations of an international airport to make it a great experience for travelers, especially when anywhere from 5 to 15 million people a year passes through.

“The Indy airport is more than just a place where aircraft take off and land – it’s very much like a city within a city,” said Indianapolis Airport Authority Executive Director Mario Rodriguez. “It takes a breadth of dedicated employees from across a broad spectrum of professional backgrounds – even beyond that of aviation – to deliver a world-class customer experience.”

Photo by yousef alfuhigi on Unsplash

Up and Running

Not only is Indianapolis International Airport celebrating its designation as the Best Airport in North America for the eleventh year in a row, but it has also actually won the accolade for twelve years total. It takes a lot of great people to keep the airport up and running. If you are interested in learning more about what makes Indianapolis International Airport the Best in North America, or you want to learn about the careers available to become part of its team, visit


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